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Andrew Whittall

Instructor | College of Aeronautics

EASA Flight Examiner, ATP, Boeing 777 Type Rating Examiner

Contact Information

Personal Overview

Captain Whittall holds an ATP with Boeing 777 type rating, and additionally is an FAA authorised instructor holding both Advanced Ground and Instrument Ground Instructor endorsements.

With over 21,000 hours of incident-free flying experience, he brings a wealth of practical aviation knowledge to the classroom.

Captain Whittall retired from airline flying in 2021 after 25 years in the Middle-East and continues to fly privately while sharing his enthusiasm for aviation with the next generation.

Educational Background

MSc from Loughborough University, England, 1995

BA from Univeristy of Durham, England, 1985

Professional Experience

Flight Examiner (EASA) & Type Rating Examiner (Boeing 777/787)

Captain, Boeing 777

EASA Flight Instructor: Single, Multi & Instrument

ATP/ATPL under authority of: CAA (UK), EASA, FAA, GCAA (UAE) & Transport Canada

Boeing 777 Simulator Instructor

CRM (Crew Resource Management) Instructor

Safety Auditor

Current Courses

AVT 1001 - Aeronautics 1 (Part 141 Private ground school)

AVT 2001 - Aeronautics 2 (Part 141 Instrument ground school)

Recognition & Awards

Fellow Royal Aeronautical Society (FRAeS)

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